More eco-friendly floating docks - A3 Intermar


More eco-friendly floating docks

  |   Muelles flotantes

The floating docks are the best and most modern option today around the world, replacing concrete systems in marinas and marine docks, both at the sea and in lakes, lagoons, and rivers.

They are less intrusive in the environment

While an average concrete pier can have 50 to 70 piles with a concrete structure, a floating dock uses 4 to 6 piles and without being filled in concrete. This way, less damage is done to the marine system.

Generation of marine life

The floats that keep the spring suspension are in a highly resistant plastic which over time generates and maintains marine life, plus does not require to be taken out of the water. Thus, the floats generates an echo marine mangrove system.


The aluminum used is stainless. The piles with their or WPC (plastic) coating and the pavement cover or wood surface is extremely durable and easy to change in the affected parts.


Being a modular system, they are easily demountable and equally reusable, as well as removable. Modular floating docks are constructed with stainless naval aluminum framed pontoons and fingers for berths. The sets will be fixed, anchored to 20 inched steel piles in diameter and 10 mm thick, coated in plastic or painted with epoxy paint to prevent corrosion; which will resist the lateral forces to which the floating dock will be subjected, such as winds, waves, currents, boat impact force when docking, as well as the forces of the moored vessel. There will be several floating docks or pontoon systems in different areas of the project. The floating docks contain water service and electricity turrets; and emergency towers with lifebuoy rings and fire extinguishers.

It consists of pontoons and fingers capable of withstanding DTW vessel berthing, docking with a 1 knot speed and a 20º shock angle. Resistance to 1500 Kg/m horizontal and 500 Kg/m2 vertical loads. Both the pontoons and the fingers, its deck and floor is made of wood of the species cumarú or similar, resistant to sea water, humidity, fungi, insects, fire, acids, intense heat without alteration, blows, and cuts. Also with WPC as the client decides.